My sincere thanks to Jud Caswell for his immense talent, sense of humor and generosity, Abbie Gardner of Red Molly for squeezing in studio time during her busy schedule, April Reed-Cox whose cello added a rich depth, Andy Buckland of Boréal Tordu for his sense of rhythm and his easy-going nature (and for being a great Dad to Ellie), Ellie Buckland for her youthful energy, imagination and love of music that shines through her vocals and her fiddling, Rita Glück, one of my dearest old friends who traveled a long way to lend her talented fingers to this project, Wendy Oakley and Martin Swinger for their beautiful harmonies.
I am deeply indebted to my community of friends and fans whose enthusiastic support and financial contributions helped make this project possible including Connie Wolfe and Susan Johnson for their love and encouragement; Kristina Wolff, an invaluable roadie and PR guru and so much more; Marla Ferris for her fabulous house parties; Bill Berlinghoff and the late Larry McKimmey who provided a fun, relaxed musical community in which to grow; all of the members of my huge family especially Karen, Elaine, Brenda, Tom and Crystal for still showing up after all these years; to my smallest yet biggest fan Xochitl Pope and the rest of the Rawlings-Pope gang; and especially to Gretchen for her love, for making my motor bike go vroom, vroom, vroom and for tugging on my ear when I float too far away…. big, big love to you all.
All songs by Ruth Hill, © 2011 Sugar Brook Music, ASCAP
Recorded, engineered and mixed by Jud Caswell at Frog Hollow Studio, Brunswick, ME
Mastered by Neale Eckstein at Fox Run Studio, Sudbury, MA
CD artwork and design by Kristen Bisson
Photographs by Crystal Harnden and Robbie Kanner
Produced by Ruth Hill and Jud Caswell